Anglesey Sea Kayak Symposium, EXO Kayaks & Outdoor Portofino at the international meeting

Tomaso Dentone and Luca Tixi took part in the gathering that involves hundreds of paddlers from all over the world.
Throughout the week Luca continued his BCU training in ocean waters, where conditions are very intense and rigid. Read the story!


Tomaso and Luca left Italy on Friday, April 29 to reach Wales where they took part to the international kayak meeting in Anglesey. Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1 hundreds of paddlers participated in the activities and trips out to sea organized as a moment of encounter and exchange for professionals and enthusiasts.

From Monday 2 to Friday 6 of May, Luca, president of Outdoor Portofino, continues his BCU training, this time in ocean waters. Luca is attending training courses and activities where kayak management capabilities, both individual and group, are put to test in certainly very different conditions from what occurs in the Mediterranean Sea. The conditions in ocean waters are very intense and rigid: in certain spots tidal currents of 12 knots are expected with a water temperature reaching (only) 7 ° C! These factors don’t scare Luca who, supported by EXO Kayaks, says he’s very excited to be able to test himself in new marine conditions previously unknown to him. Let’s read the story directly from Whales!

Day 1, Saturday, April 30

Tomaso and Luca, respectively of Exo Kayaks and Outdoor Portofino, reach the Anglesey Outdoor Center, meeting basis for all participants in the gathering. Participation is high with people coming from all over the world. Today the sun is shining and the temperature is 10 °. The day develops with new and challenging experiences: today we paddle on the Tidal Races (tidal currents)!

Day 2, Sunday, May 1

The alarm sounds early and the weather outside is terrible: rain, strong wind and cold. But here nothing stops us so, despite the bad weather conditions, we get into the water. At sea the wind is very strong – about 30 knots – creating the ideal conditions for a day of exercises. Very good Luca Tixi who acted as the coach assistant today showing great paddling skills.

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