Gisella Ravera

Front Desk & Booking

About myself

I was born and raised in “Santa” (Santa Margherita Ligure, ndr) between the hills and the sea, with which I have always had a very special relationship, both thanks to rowing, which taught me to appreciate it in every moment of the year and thanks to the carefree days spent on my family’s tiny dinghy, discovering the hidden coves with my mask and flippers. I studied languages at Genoa University and after my degree, to satisfy my travel lust, I worked in Munich, Zurich and Lausanne. Having never stood still or been afraid to put myself to the test, I have followed a non-linear career path, starting in luxury retail, then continuing in the hospitality sector as a receptionist and event coordinator, always following my inclination for multitasking and contact with the public.

Throughout all of these changes, the only staple and “safety valve” for me has been nature. Exploring, hiking and escaping in any spare moments, getting away from it all, always egged on by the irresistible call of the local “Mount”, right by my home. Considering the general situation over the last few years, I decided to have a better look at my priorities and I felt that in my life I wanted to give more space to my passion for nature and for our area, of which I am a diehard fan. This is how I approached Outdoor Portofino and its philosophy! Achievements? No idea – the achievements that I set for myself never seem to end!

“Un traguardo raggiunto? non saprei, i traguardi che mi prefisso non finiscono mai!”

A chat with Gisella

Year of birth


Joined OP


How did you join OP?

I have only been part of the OP Team for a very short time, curious as I was about the chance of working at close contact with nature, in a stimulating environment connected with my local area. The great outdoors is a world that I have always been interested in, in particular in the last few years during which I have felt more keenly the desire to find the right balance between my work and private life. I will certainly do my very best to fit into the group and fully and efficiently cover a role that is a new one for me.

What do you do in OP?

Social Media Manager & Front Office

Your greatest passions?

Travel, Nature, Design/craftsmanship

Your favourite place in Liguria?

My favorite place is Batterie di Punta Chiappa and always and in any case the Portofino Park, place that sees my presence when I need tranquility and free my mind.

Three favourite dishes in your kitchen?

Trenette with pesto, patatoes and green beans.

Three values that best represent you?

Creativity, optimism, perseverance

Apri chat
Ciao 👋
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