
Privacy policy

Disclaimer GDPR 2016/679


According to decree GDPR 2016/679 It informs you of the following:
SSD Outdoor Portofino A.R.L., as part of its activities, provides information about the use of the email address provided by the user, in compliance with Legislative Decree GDPR 2016/679 and subsequent changes, laying down rules for the protection of persons and other subjects (“GDPR 2016/679”) regarding the processing of personal data.

According to and for the effects of the Legislative Decree GDPR 2016/679, it informs you of the following:

The data collected will be processed by storing both in print and in the computer system at the headquarters of SSD Outdoor Portofino A.R.L.;

for purposes related to the activities listed on the website;
to send you communications regarding the activities of SSD Outdoor Portofino A.R.L.;

to send communications related to the commercial activities carried out by SSD Outdoor Portofino A.R.L.;

to provide the services or provide the products advertised on the website when their distribution or supply or order submission foresees the use of the email address to which you request the authorization to process here;

Booking and payment process is entrusted to an https portal with a secure connection to which the site will refer to at the moment in which the date of the activity is chosen.

The Facebook Pixel is installed which allows to monitor the conversions that occur on our website as a result of the adverts that we are running on Facebook. For example, in case you want to monitor the adhesions to a particular campaign advertised on Facebook, the cookie communicates to Facebook every time a user has joined a particular campaign on the site. Facebook compares the conversion event with the group of people to whom the advertisement was shown or who clicked on it, in order to provide information that helps us understand the return on investment for its advertising costs. Outdoor Portofino does not use this cookie for profiling purposes of the interested party but only for statistical purposes.
Finally, the Google Adwords / Doubleclick conversion Pixel cookie is used to know which keywords generate the most clicks on Google and conversions in services, allowing us to identify the most effective keywords for our business, for statistical purposes only.

The subsequent withdrawal of the consent to treatment makes it impossible to receive the products or services advertised on the website or to forward the order to carry out such operations when you need the email address provided.

Your email address will be communicated exclusively to:
affiliates or other entities controlled by SSD Outdoor Portofino A.R.L.;
public or private entities for the fulfillment of obligations under the law;
Your email address could be transferred abroad, with the consent.

The D.lgs GDPR 2016/679 attributes you some rights in relation to the processing of your personal data, including:
the right to know the existence of processing of data that may concern you;
the right to obtain updating, rectification or integration of data and their cancellation, anonymization or blocking if used in violation of the law;
the right to object to the processing in accordance with the aforementioned purposes only for legitimate reasons;
the right to object to the processing of data for information purposes on the activities of SSD Outdoor Portofino A.R.L.

The owner of the data is S.S.D. Outdoor Portofino A.R.L. via Malta 4a/10, 16121 Genova. For any communication you may email info@outdoorportofino.com , or by regular registered mail letter to the address Via Malta 4a/10, 16121 Genova.

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