Scuola Natura and Scuola Natura full immersion: the summer camp in Liguria by Outdoor Portofino

More than just a summer camp in Liguria: our activities for children and teenagers
We have always been at the forefront of education to bring children and young people closer to nature, sport and environmental education and awareness of the climate crisis. We wanted to contribute and make available our skills, so we decided to design Scuola Natura and Scuola Natura Full Immersion, two programs aimed at educating, having fun and sharing experiences while discovering nature, using our headquarters in Niasca, in the bay of Paraggi, as base camp.
The Marine Protected Area of Portofino is the perfect environment to discover and explore the Ligurian coast, the ideal place to make children and teenagers come closer to nature. For this reason the activities of Outdoor Portofino summer camps take place in two different scenarios: the one of the Marine Protected Area and the one of the Portofino Park.
Scuola Natura and Scuola Natura Full Immersion Programs
Both the Scuola Natura and Scuola Natura Full Immersion programs represent an ideal opportunity to discover the sea while having fun in group activities, experiencing nature in a new dimension in the open air. Both programs are aimed at 6-9 year-olders and 10-13 year-olders. Both have special discounts for siblings, residents in Liguria and for reservations for more than a week. Let’s find out more about the programs of School Nature and School Nature Full Immersion!
Scuola Natura: the summer camp in Liguria for a week of sport and fun
Nature School is much more than a summer camp! This is a real one-week course, at the end of which participants will receive the qualification of junior or teen rangers of Outdoor Portofino! The program includes a wide variety of activities, including:
- lessons and excursions in sup and kayak,
- lessons in marine biology,
- snorkeling,
- coasteering,
- environmental education activities,
- orienteering both on land and at sea.
Throughout the week, participants will live an unforgettable experience discovering for themselves how the nautical base of Outdoor Portofino works: they will learn to take care of their equipment, learn more about hiking maps and about the history of the places they will visit. Thanks to the planned activities and the support of qualified educators and instructors, they will be able to develop skills to explore and learn about natural environments in complete safety.
During the activities, they will be constantly stimulated by the proposed activities that will accompany them to the discovery of marine and terrestrial flora and fauna, transmitting to them the values of care and respect for nature, also through citizen science activities in which children will learn to monitor, observe and conserve the ecosystem of the Bay of Paraggi and the Marine Protected Area of Portofino, turning them into little scientists!
Each activity of the Scuola Natura program is personalized and proportionate to the age and experience of the participants and always includes a theoretical-preparatory and a practical part . For all age groups, however, the fil-rouge of these programs stays the same: educating to respect the environment and encourage a sustainable lifestyle, but also acquire the real perception of “sea life”, learning, among other things, to know the seafaring lexicon, They will attend knot lessons, learn to recognize the winds and to look at nature with a more conscious eye.
Although the activities for the junior and for the teen group are the same, the programs are adapted to the age and skills of the participants, so they are divided into two groups:
- morning, from 10.00am to 1.00pm for junior participants (aged from 6 to 9 years)
- afternoon, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm for teen participants (aged from 10 to 13 years)
To find out more about Scuola Natura, you can visit our website on the dedicated page! Let’s now move on to Scuola Natura full immersion, a slightly different format to pursue the same objectives!
Scuola Natura Nature Full Immersion, three special weeks between land, sea and sport
The Full Immersion Nature School is a special event scheduled only for a few summer weeks. It differs from Nature School for its duration: only in these three weeks the activities begin at 10.00am and end at 4.00pm, therefore include both the morning and the afternoon and no longer half a day as for Scuola Natura!
The maximum number of members per week is 12 children, and such as for Scuola Natural activities like kayaking, sup, snorkeling, coasteering, environmental education and orienteering, the programs will be adapted to the age of the members.
Discover below the calendar of Scuola Natura Full Immersion:
- week from 12th to 16th of June, every day from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
- week from 21st to 25th of August, every day from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
- week from 28th of August to 1st of September , every day from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Also in this case, special discounts are provided for siblings who join the camp together, residents in Liguria and for reservations for more than a week.
Do you want to discover all the details of Scuola Natura Full Immersion program? Then click here!
Scuola Natura and Scuola Natura Full Immersion are two alternatives to the classic summer camp in Liguria, perfect to spend an unforgettable summer break full of adventures! Both experiences can be booked throughout the summer starting from June.
(N.B. To request the discount code and learn more about the special discounts, simply send an email to!)